I didn't write this. I found this on the blog: http://elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com.
When an elf brings a gift, roll a d100.
01 Leaf wrapped vegetarian Long Life Rations 2d6 days, no weight
02 Cloak of Elven kind helps wearer hide in forest or mountains or against unworked rock
03 Boots of Elven Kind helps wearer move silently when trying to sneak
04 Musical Instrument worth d6x100gp and +1 to any musical skills
05 Silver Dagger glows if goblinoids or orcs within 6"
06 Spear that changes length from dagger to spear to long spar or lance
07 Set of single edged silver shortswords with fine scabbards
08 Goodberries 2d4 in a bag heal a HP each or supplies a days food
09 Jaunty Elfish Hunting Cap +1 to spotting things rolls
10 Elfin silver sabre sword d8 damage
11 Pot of d10x100 gold pieces that melts outside elfland within 24 hours
12 Acorn if left in larder fills with 30 days of food by dawn
13 Bottle of addictive elf wetnurse milk incredibly delicious and equals a day of food
14 Lump of Coal that burns for a month
15 Glowing marsh melon makes light as a candle for month or 3"radius if burst for a hour
16 Jack O'Lantern if lit and placed near door will arise as scarecrow if strangers enter house
17 Honey Comb drizzles a spoon of honey a day or can use up by summoning a bear
18 Teabag that lasts a year with tasty refreshing herbal tea
19 Ground Roast Spiced Chicory Powder makes tasty warm drink, enough for 20 doses
20 Bottle of White Desert Wine excellent vintage worth 60gp
21 Magic Beans, if planted becomes a plant sprite overnight d4 in bag
22 Wolf Weed Seed, if planted grows into a loyal pet vegetal wolf beast
23 Acorns that grow a tree overnight as if 30 years had passed d6 in a bag
24 Acorns of healing cure d4 with d6 in bag
25 Flower Seeds each covers 1" square in thick pretty flowers in pack of d6
26 Goblin Seeds each grows a warrior goblin in 24 hours, pack of d6
27 Vine Belt can grow lengths of strong climbing and swinging vine, d6" per day
28 Hair Seeds make flowers grow in your air for a d6 months, d6 doses in pack
29 Fire Pinecone inflicts d4 in a 1" square
30 Berryseeds, a handful of seeds grow a 1" patch of fruiting berry bushes by dawn
31 Arrow that always points home
32 Quiver of 12 long range arrows that get no rage penalties
33 Quiver of 12 silver +1 arrows
34 Lycanthropy Arrow, most frequently inflicts victim with werewolf disease if they fail save
35 Charming Arrow hit as a charm person spell and causes no damage
36 Plague arrow, causes disease if target fails to save
37 Quiver of 20 silver arrows
38 Arrow of Healing cures 2d8+4 HP on struck target (causes no damage)
39 Iron Arrow is +5 and does 2d8 damage vs supernatural and magical creatures and races
40 Leafhead Arrows in quiver of 20 bump up bow damage to d8
41 Elf Cat loyal 20lb cat, expert at hiding and climbing HD 1+1 AC16 Dd6 MOVE 16"
42 Elf Hunting Hound with nice hair HD 1+1 AC14 Dd6 MOVE 24" Sprint
43 Elf Hunting Falcon, will catch rabbits and birds skillfully and warns of hazards ahead
44 Elf Magic Goat can translate many animal, human and Elf conversations and has milk
45 Elf Finch can carry whispered messages from person to person
46 Elf Work a small pocket size stinging snake that protects purses
47 Attractive but grumpy fairy in bottle who dances in hopes of being released or fed
48 Faerie trapped in amber looks shocked, if carefully removed is very grateful to rescuer
49 Elfin Peacock, decorative alarm, hates snakes and screams if strangers approach home
50 Pet Squirrel, gather and sort scattered items very quickly if commanded, adorable
51 Boar Tusk Comb, makes existing hair grow 20% faster if used daily to brush
52 Stag Helm, gives a antler headbutt attack extra for a d6 damage once a turn (10 min)
53 Owls Crown allows a human to see in the night like a owl, needs some light to see
54 Bull's Torc gives the wearer +1 CON if standing on unworked earth or stone or wood
55 Beavers Teeth, if implanted in holes left by teeth, gain ability to eat wood like a beaver
56 Weasel Claws are gloves that improve climbing abilities while worn, d3 unarmed attack
57 Badgers Claws are gloves for digging, move a foot of earth per round, d4 unarmed attack
58 Otters Gloves are for swimming add +4 to your MOV in water, very warm and dry
59 Bats Ears fuse with your ears providing sonar vision and perfect dark vision
60 Toad leather vest makes you toxic to eat while wearing, bite attacks save or avoid
61 Moss Potion covers d4 1" squares with rich thick soft moss, lichen and ferns
62 Moon Tree Potion grants permanent second sight near full moon for 3 days
63 Celestial Tear Potion allows drinker to levitate to the moon and back in a single night
64 Golden Orb Potion if used drinker glows 3" radius that undead find repulsive -2 to hit
65 Star Potion if drunk gives visions of dreamland suggesting a quest and travel there
66 Brazen Noon Potion makes the drinker immune to natural fire till next dawn
67 Blue Mushroom Potion makes drinker sense the nearest d3 gates within 12 hours march
68 Heavenly Lotus Potion makes drinker gain +1 Level for a d6 hours
69 Dragon Ambergris Potion, can vomit fire bolt 4" 3d8 damage once
70 Unicorn Horn Potion cures poisoned person or nuetralizes a poison in liguid
71 Name of fairy knight who will negotiate to fight once in return for a promise or pact
72 Name of a fairy lady who will attack a supernatural enemy for you once if called
73 Name of the Blue Lady who if called brings a letter from your fairy godmother once
74 Name of the faerie knight who will carry you and your servants as per teleport once
75 Name of a faerie princess who will conjure a mile long fog bank that lasts for a hour once
76 Names the king and queen of bright elves and dark elves, befriend faction of elves once
77 Names of the Harlequinade, calls a creepy elven carnival to a location for a single day
78 Name of the Tree Ancestor, if called will sprout a plant with d6 goblins in pods, once
79 Name of the Horned One , if called by night will send a servitor gargoyle for night, once
80 Name of the Wild Hunt can be called to set upon a villain or fugitive, once
81 Lesser demon bound in rock freed if broken might fight if freed as favour but don't trust it
82 Faerie Swarm Bottle acts as a insect swarm spell, an choose to take coins instead of HP
83 Pipes of the Satyr are able to play a single lascivious tune by anyone who plays it
84 Horn of the Banshee if used by night all within mile afraid to go out side, one use
85 A Hand Mirror with a pocket universe complete with cursed undying eccentric occupants
86 Ancestral bundle of human bones from the dawn age returned to your race after aeons
87 A grumpy argumentative faerie in a jar but a good scout and spotter glad for release
88 Moss of the Tree Men allows user to speak to plants for a hour d4 doses a bag
89 Wrist sundial, a time piece and navigational aid in a attractive bronze bracelet
90 Wolf Biscuits, if fed to a wolf it becomes friendly towards feeder, d6 per box
91 Holly Leaf Crown +1CON when worn on head
92 Silver Moon Bow makes every arrow fired act as if silver
93 Living Branch Bow grows d6 arrows from it each day as long as watered
94 Silver Torc gives wearer +1 DEX in night or darkness
95 Copper Ringlet allows you to speak to one common animal
96 Silken slippers make you immune to spider or magic webs and improve your dancing
97 Sprite Idol can be awoken as a sprite to serve for on hour once
98 Silver Ring can call for help from sylvan beings once for a rescue
99 Ivory Ring wearer can turn into wild boar under a full moon (three days per month)
100 Thorn Crown can cast Entangle three times a week
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