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Pokemon Egg Hatching Chart |
Depending on where you are on the map, your egg is more likely to hatch into the same thing that normally spawns in the area you are in, provided the egg is the correct rarity.
So for example if you are hatching a 5 KM egg in an area that regularly spawns Squirtles, Psyducks and Lapras, then you will have a higher chance than normal of getting a Psyduck.
The reason?
Squirtles, Psyducks and Lapras (and other water Pokemon) typically spawn near water, and some areas tend to get very specific types of Pokemon.
When you hatch an egg while walking in that area, my theory is that the game automatically checks where you are to determine what types of spawns are available in that area, determines the result randomly, and then gives you whatever Pokemon matches the egg's rarity.
So for example lets say you are in an area that sometimes spawns Zubats, Magikarp and Squirtles.
If you are lucky, you might get a Squirtle or a Magikarp. If you are not lucky, you will get a Zubat.
In more mundane areas you will likely get something more mundane:
2 KM - Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Zubat.
5 KM - Nidoran, Meowth, Bellsprout.
10 KM - Jynx, Eevee.
Now that doesn't mean that you will automatically get boring Pokemon just because you live in a boring part of town. Rather it simply means you will have higher than normal odds of hatching something boring, and be less likely to hatch something very rare.
So how do you try to control this?
I am going to use Ponyta as an example.
I know from experience that if I go to a specific part of Toronto, the Roundhouse Park south of the CN Tower, that it is a good place to catch Ponytas. If I wanted to hatch a Ponyta on purpose I should in theory go to the same place, finish walking the last of a 5 KM egg (or better yet, multiple 5 KM eggs in Egg Incubators), and my odds of getting a Ponyta would be increased.
Another example:
Close to my home is a parking lot which tends to spawn a lot of Growlithes. If I wanted to deliberately hatch one, I would want to go hang out in the parking lot while finishing hatching a 5 KM egg.
Thus attempting to control this is easy. Figure out what locations tend to spawn what, then go there and hatch some eggs there. Looking for a Scyther? Go to a place that has them and start walking so you can hatch the correct size of egg. If you are really lucky you might catch a spawn Scyther AND hatch a Scyther while there.
How did I develop this theory?
I first noticed this phenomenon when I was down near the Toronto harbour front looking for Dratinis and Dragonites. The area I was in was also spawning a lot of Magikarp, and lo and behold I hatched a Magikarp.
The coincidental nature of hatching a Magikarp in an area that spawned lots of Magikarp caused me to think about whether WHERE I am makes a different to what actually hatches.
Since then I have hatched numerous things and started keeping track of where I was when I hatched that thing:
I hatched a Psyduck when walking near a river, hatched a Seel in an area that spawns Seels regularly, hatched a Horsea in an area that spawns Horseas regularly, hatched an Eevee in an area known for Eevees.
Even when I hatched a boring Pokemon, that boring one is still something normal that tends to spawn in the area I was walking in.
After awhile you become pretty confident that while there is some randomness to what you hatch, the WHERE you are when you hatch the egg does certainly seem to matter.
So what about hatch rates?
Some people have tried keeping track of hatch rates of Pokemon eggs and what things tend to hatch.
The problem with hatch rates is that if my theory is correct, then the hatch rates will vary from person to person depending on where they live, where they tend to go for walks, and what areas they tend to be in. A person who lives near the beach and goes for long walks on the beach will probably have much higher hatch rates for various kinds of water Pokemon.
So how do you hatch something really rare?
There are 3 types of Pokemon not found in North America:
- Mr Mime, only available in Europe.
- Kangashkan, only available in Australia / New Zealand.
- Farfetch'd, only available in Asia.
But your chances of doing so are REDUCED because you are not in the areas that spawn them. This makes hatching a rare Pokemon that isn't from your region almost impossible. You could hatch 100 eggs and still not get the rares you are looking for.
There is also the issue of the Six Not Currently Available Pokemon.
- Mew
- Mewtwo
- Ditto
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltres
You may have noticed that Articuno looks like a Pidgey / Pidgeot and that Zapdos / Moltres look like a Spearow / Fearow. I do not think that it is a coincidence. I think there is two options:
Option 1. They do exist in the game, but you have to rename a Pidgey to the correct name in order to evolve it into an Articuno. Likewise, Zapdos and Moltres are available, but you have to rename a Spearow to the correct names in order to evolve them. Same goes with Mew and Mewtwo (evolved from Meowth).
Option 2. The official story is they have not been released yet and may be released during a future event.
Don't know. Either is possible.
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