
Dungeons and Dragons players renounce love and desire

Sad but true. Dungeons and Dragons players often don't have much of a romantic life.
Or if they do get married, and have kids, then they don't have much time to game any more...

Video Gamer Heaven

Video Gamer Heaven - Console Paradise

Foreshadowing Season 4 of Game of Thrones - Thoughts from the cast and crew

Thoughts from the cast and crew about Season 4 of Game of Thrones.

And for fun here is a photo of Drogon.

New Game of Thrones Season 4 Trailer

Honestly they could come out with a new TV series trailer EVERY DAY for Game of Thrones and people would just eat it up.

I know I am.

I cannot wait for April 6th when Season 4 starts. I am re-watching Season 3 in March just so I will be ready for it.

Fantasy Architecture in Russia

The following images are from an advertising campaign to promote tourism to Russia - however I think they are great examples of fantasy architecture.

They would fit well into a Dungeons and Dragons campaign...

Lego Movie Trailers

Who doesn't love a good Lego movie or movie trailer?

Below are a selection of fantasy / super hero movie trailers made using Lego.

The Desolation of Smaug in Lego

Captain America - The Winter Soldier in Lego

Man of Steel in Lego

The Wolverine in Lego

The Dark Knight Returns in Lego