
5 Nerdy Things to do on Facebook

Guest Post by Suzanne MacNevin

#1. Write an Interactive Story with your Friends.


#2. Interactive Roleplaying

Like the storytelling above, but instead you each 'play' your own fictional character and the players describe their characters actions and interactions. Similar to Dungeons and Dragons, but without the dice and the miniatures.

#3. Share 80s and 90s Nostalgia Music Videos

(Video not shown.)

#4. Promote your Nerdy Obsessions to non-Nerds


"Hey Jeffrey, have you ever read She-Hulk? No? Its an amazing story about a lawyer who is Bruce Banner's cousin and she is dying and he saves her with a blood transfusion... and the next thing you know she has Hulk's powers and beats the crap out of supervillains and the mafia..."

#5. Write Nerdy Lists like this one...

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition on the Horizon

Wizards of the Coast, the publishers of Dungeons & Dragons, has announced that they have begun development of a 5th Edition of the game.

This could be potentially good or bad. If you know anything about Dungeons & Dragons you might know that the 4th Edition of D&D was heavily boycotted by fans upset over excessive rules changes and slow repetitive combat rules.

First published in 1974, the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons pits heroic wizards, knights, rogues and priests against zombies, ogres, orcs, dragons and a wide variety of other baddies... using just dice, paper and interactive storytelling.

Each player plays a character (ie. an elf archer or a dwarf barbarian), gives them a name, a description, a list of weapons / equipment / spells they can use and everything is written down on a piece of paper called a Character Sheet.

The players then act a team to overcome obstacles usually laid out on the table using miniatures, maps and then roll dice to determine random results when fighting orcs, climbing cliffs, charming the barmaid, etc. The baddies and Non-Player Characters are all controlled by a storyteller known as the "Dungeon Master" (an honourific title if ever there was one). Because its a game where imagination and roleplaying of the characters are encouraged its a highly enjoyable game and very popular amongst creative types and nerds.

However the problem is the rules which govern gameplay. The publisher Wizards of the Coast keeps changing the rules in an obvious effort to both correct poorly conceived rules which players argue about and also to SELL MORE RULEBOOKS (and make a tonne of money in the process).

When 3rd Edition D&D came out in 2000 they sold a lot of rulebooks and made huge profits. However some of the players were unhappy with some of the rules so in 2003 they came out with version 3.5 to make some of the whiners and "rules lawyers" happy. (And sold even more books, made more profits.) To make it even more interesting they developed the "d20 System" which was then used for other D&D-esque games such as "d20 Modern" and "d20 Star Wars", allowing players to effectively play any kind of game they wanted to.

But when 4th Edition came out in 2008 there was a backlash.

Players revolted. Some of them formed boycotts of the new edition. Most decided to stick with 3rd Edition or 3.5. Players did try the new 4th Edition rules, but most of them didn't like the rules, complaining it made combat too slow, made the game system too much like the strategy game 'Warhammer' or the card game 'Magic the Gathering' or even too much like online MMORPGs like 'World of Warcraft'... and these new rules were distracting from the roleplaying and fast combat system players had come to know and love. According to players the new combat system was tossed out and "apparently replaced with a new system created by a game designer who plays too much Warhammer and Magic the Gathering."

Wizards of the Coast, which also publishes the card game 'Magic the Gathering', was apparently attempting to encourage more collectible card gamers and Warhammer players to try D&D. The attempt was flawed because it left D&D players (some of whom have been playing the game since the 1970s) upset that their game was being defiled by a bunch of greedy capitalists.

Some players even went back to playing 1st and 2nd Edition D&D because they enjoyed the retro feel of the game and simplicity of the rules.

Hasbro, which now owns Wizards of the Coast, however took notice of this boycott... and they also took note of an essay circulating the internet about whether all the D&D players are playing "the same game" (regardless of what edition it is) and how many rules can we change before it stops being the same game?

Thus the new 5th Edition development has an interesting goal, so says the new developers. In rewriting the rules of D&D they are revisiting all the older rules to try and create an “universal rule set” which unifies all players under one single system.

“We’re focusing on what gets people excited about D&D, and making sure we have a game that encompasses all different styles,” says Mike Mearls, group manager for the D&D research and development team.

Their goal is to make a system that will make everyone happy, regardless of whether they are playing 1st Edition, 2nd, 3rd or 3.5. (And hopefully they will toss out any ideas of 4th Edition as a bad idea that never should have happened.)

Their end goal, obviously, is to sell more rulebooks to all D&D players, but to do such a good job of designing the new edition that everyone will want the new rulebooks and be happy about buying them.

The game designers are looking back at each edition of the game going back to 1974, and identifying core rules that make the game work best. They’re soliciting suggestions from players via weekly columns on their web site, and through community discussion threads. During the coming year they’re planning several rounds of playtesting, allowing fans to try out new rules before they’re finalized, and identify what does and doesn’t work.

When completed they hope to craft an universal rule set that all players will enjoy... in the process they're thinking of including a lot of modular "optional rules" which allows players to customize the game as they see fit.

Wizards staff are acutely aware that 4th Edition was a flop and upset many long-time players. This time around, Wizards doesn’t want to make the same mistake and wants to avoid railroading (gamer term meaning "forcing") the new edition into something players won't like.

"I’m not a fan of fourth edition. I find the combat slow, the powers limiting, and the rules inhospitable to the kind of creative world-building, story-telling and problem-solving that make D&D great," says David M. Ewalt, Forbes staff reporter, one of a team of journalists who were invited in December to test out an early draft of 5th Edition D&D.

According to Ewalt the 5th Edition rules "show promise. They’re simple without being stupid, and efficient without being shallow. Combat was quick and satisfying; we got through most of an adventure in just a few hours."

So 5th Edition is a step in the right direction, however...

Dungeons & Dragons should belong to the players, not the publisher. Its the players who make up the game. The publisher may own the rights to publish whatever crappy rulebooks they want, but the players are the game. If they don't like the rulebooks they will use other / older rulebooks that they do like. Wizards of the Coast has a responsibility to get it right this time and then NEVER make another edition ever again. If they want to keep publishing books, fine, but the "universal rule set" when its finally made should be just that: Universal.

Zombies Vs Serial Killers

Remember when LARPing not to schedule your LARP in a time and place where other people are LARPing too...

Or at very least in places where zombies gather.

Fantasy Book Editing & Short Story Editing

Are you a fantasy writer and you're trying to polish your work for publication?

You're going to need an editor.

Proofreading and editing your own work is not enough. You need someone who can fix the mistakes you made like:

  • Spelling & Typos
  • Grammar
  • Sentence Structure
  • Flow & Tone
  • Reader Friendliness
  • Redundancies
  • Inconsistencies
  • Unbelievable Issues (unless you want it to be unbelievable, of course)

My Introductory Editing Rate is 2 cents per word, or $100 USD for 5000 words.

This allows me to gauge how 'riddled with mistakes' your work is, and determine how much time is required to edit your work. Based upon that I can then charge you an amount consistent with my normal editing rate of $35 USD per hour.

Contact to inquire about editing the first 5000 words of your story. Payments are made via PayPal or Interac E-Transfer.

Short Story Discount Rate

During the month of December I am also offering a "Short Story Discount Rate" of 1.5 cents per word, which means you save 25% compared to my regular rates.

Short Stories: 1,500 - 7,500 words = $22.50 to $112.50.

Contact to inquire about editing your short story.

Regular Rates*

* Actual rate may vary depending upon how 'riddled with mistakes' your work is. It could be more/less depending on a variety of factors like whether you self-edited and used spellcheck/grammar check before sending it to your editor.

  • Short Stories: 1,500 - 7,500 words = $30 to $150.
  • Novelettes: 7,500 - 17,500 = $150 to $350.
  • Novellas: 17,500 - 40,000 = $350 to $800.
  • Novels: 40,000+ words = $800+

So for example if you have a 100,000 word novel that you need edited then it will cost you $2000.

Contact to inquire about editing the first 5000 words of your short story, novelette, novella or novel.


What About Other Genres?

Yeah, so here's the thing. I have reached the point in my editing career where I want to focus on a single genre.

So yes, I am really do want to focus solely on editing fantasy, but with a few small exceptions:

#1. Historical Fiction. Basically like fantasy, but minus the magic and the monsters.

#2. Historical Fantasy. Technically counts as Fantasy.

#3. Science Fantasy. Not to be confused with Sci Fi.

#4. Time Travel Fiction. I have a soft spot for this.

Contact to inquire about editing the first 5000 words of your fantasy story. Payments are made via PayPal or Interac E-Transfer.